Thrivent Financial for Lutherans provided the Blanket Brigade with some grant money to use towards this event. We'd love to see you there! Mallory is quite excited for this good excuse to stay up past her bedtime. ;)
Here are the details:
Tied With Love
For Friends of ALL Ages!
Friday, November 7th
Open House from 6:30-9:00
Luther Hall in the basement of St. Paul Lutheran Church
100 South School Street, Mt. Prospect, IL 60056
Will will have fleece available for cutting and tying but you can absolutely bring your own if you have it and are looking for a time to put your blanket(s) together!
Please bring scissors (Fiskars really seem to work best) if you have them marked with your last name. If you have extras you can bring to share, that would be great too.
We will be providing some snacks and drinks.
An RSVP isn't completely necessary, but if you know you're going to be able to make it I'd love it if you'd contact me and let me know so I have some sort of idea of how many people to expect. I can be reached at
And, no! You don't have to be a member of St. Paul to come. The more, the merrier!
Hope to see you on the 7th!
We filled two carts with fleece. We are VERY thankful for the nice ladies at the cutting counter at Jo-Ann Fabrics in Arlington Heights who now know Mallory by name. |
She's pretty excited about "her" event. |
Little Brother "helped" too. |